STAND & DELIVER - 2.11.23 to 15.12.23

BRIEF -Part 1

Research and gather and present visual reference material related to the natural and manmade worlds.

I walk in the woods almost everyday and really like the form that the branches and roots take. The texture of the bark appears to be twisted and manipulated to create different shapes.The roots almost have an hand like quality. Trees I feel tell the story of nature and has it;s own line, form and strength. The bark texture and the gnarled knuckles of its roots almost make it look like a figure. Tree represent an escape and remind me of been a child growing up in a rural village in East Yorkshire where I would climb trees and make tree houses .There is almost an atmospheric quality to trees especially when you see how they adapt to man made structures placed around them e.g iron railings. as they work out how to adapt to their situation.

Moss and lichen create texture almost a symbiotic blanket for the tree.I have always been drawn to the feel of moss and it’s softness.

The fern growing through the metal bars, adapting to the environment and metal bars creates an interesting busy texture of escape and humour.

I spend a lot of time walking my dogs on the beach and really like the shapes that the sea make in the sand .

I decided to capture the textures in the sand by making a plaster mould.

I find the comparison of objects both natural and manmade washed up on the beach creates an interesting texture through their 3 dimensional form. The drift wood takes on it’s own form .

I am also influenced by the waves and their fluid form.

Man-made forms.

Man-made structures around the beach with angular shapes and form.

Exploring textures

Making a clay tube.


Test tiles


Box of Secrets 15.12.2023